Welcome to our new Pre-generated Characters section! The following sheets contain all of the appropriate HP, Expertise, Skill Points, Abilities, Equipment, and Virtues for the chosen class at recommended starting levels 1 or 3! The only things you as a player will have to choose are: Species, Spells (if a magic class or if +1 Skill Point is put into the Arcanting skill for a non-magic class), and any Expertise your Species may give you.
Now, as these are pregenerated, distributing your Species Traits/Ancestral Path works slightly different than normal.
Here is how you finish a character using a pre-generated character from below:
Choose your Species!
Add the Speed listed under their "Stats" section to the Movement box (page 1) in the character sheet. Note: if there is a "+1" already written in that Movement box, add the +1 to the final movement total. Example: You choose to build a Celestia Naturalist. The Celestia has a base speed of 6 squares. When filling in the Movement box, you notice there is a +1 in there already. The new max movement for this character would be 7 squares.
Notate which languages they speak and check the corresponding language in the "Known Languages" box (page 2 of the character sheet).
If they have any "Special" abilities under their Stats section, add this to the character sheet "Species Traits" box (page 2).
Note the Species' traits in the "Species Traits" box (page 2). If any of these Species Traits add "Bonus Skill Points" to any skill, add them to the SP total (located on page 1, first boxes directly to the right of Skill Name) of the named skill. If they are general Skill Points you may add to any skill, you cannot add more than +1 skill point to the same skill (unless specifically mentioned in that Trait). Remember: This cannot bring you above 6 points total in a skill.
If the Species' trait gives you an Expertise, make sure to add it to your "General Expertise" section (page 2). If this would give you an Expertise you already had, instead gain +1 Expertise point to spend and choose one from the Expertise List (page 31 thru 35 of the Core Rulebook) as normal.
If a Species' trait gives you extra Max HP (such as the Observers of Riachtan trait from the Celestia Traits list), add that number to your Max HP box (page 1).
Next, choose an Ancestry Path from your chosen species' Ancestry Paths. If this Ancestry Path would add an Expertise you already have, reference step 6. If the Ancestry Path would give bonus skill points, reference step 5.
If playing any of the natural Spellcasting Classes (Mechromancer, Naturalist, or Thaumatech), navigate to page 5 of the Character Sheet and select the total number of spells listed in the first spell box from the spell list for each class (or other classes' non-unique spells if you would like to be adventurous). If you are not a natural Spellcasting Class but add +1 bonus level to the Arcanting skill, instead choose 3 spells as specified in the arcanting skill (page 27); these spells can be from any spell tree except the Natura (Naturalist) spell tree.
After these steps are complete, you have your brand-new character! These pre-generated characters should help you quickly build a character and dive into a game with very little hassle whatsoever.
Architect Level 1 & 3:
Combat Medic Level 1 & 3:
Field Knight Level 1 & 3:
Mechromancer Level 1 & 3:
Mimic Level 1 & 3:
Naturalist Level 1 & 3:
Negotiator Level 1 & 3:
Smuggler Level 1 & 3:
Soldier Level 1 & 3:
Thaumatech Level 1 & 3: