Hello there Veiliens! I am excited to get these PbP going. Always fun to include others as we work together to build fun campaigns old school pen and paper style. So a quick few things to go over before someone starts:
There are two types of individuals within a PbP: Narrator and Players
Both Narrator and Players partake in telling the story, each person building off the previous post.
Feel free to start your own PbP campaign if you would like! If you start one, you are the designated Narrator (GM) for the group.
As the Narrator, it is your job to watch over the post and respond to the other individuals posting in your campaign. You are the Judge if something comes up that needs a resolution. You must notate at the top of your campaign whether your PbP will be run using actual character stats from VotV or if it will be purely story based.
If using character stats, the Players will create their character sheets and send to the Narrator. When players request to do something that may need a roll, the Narrator will then look over the character sheet and either roll for them or have them roll, and then determine the outcome.
For story based, everyone works cooperatively together to determine the outcome of the player's request. The Narrator will be the final deciding factor if the outcome cannot be agreed on.
Constant posting is not required in the same campaign but the Narrator is encouraged to keep the story going among the crew.
Keep to our guidelines in the General Discussions - Welcome to the Forum! section.
As both Narrator and Player remember to be inclusive and think before you post.
Keep it clean(er). Remember: we want to make a fun and inviting community, so just be careful with what you post.
So, if you keep to those rules and guidelines we should get a ton of great stories going :D! If you have any concerns or suggestions let me know.
- Trever